Due to the continued success of installed anti-spam measures; I'm lifting all post-limit restrictions. Links can now be posted by all members regardless of the number of posts or journals. The 10 post minimum (was 15) to post "clickable links" will still be in effect.
However, the "Not permitted" list (below) still applies and spammers will still be dealt with harshly. If spam becomes a problem again, the restrictions will go back in place. The Staff will decide what is or isn't spam but please report anything that you think is spam with the "report this post" button/feature.
Due to success with other anti-spam measures that I've implemented I decided to relax the link restrictions from 25/50/100 to 15/25/50. If we continue to have success I'll relax them further.

As many of you know, I've been on a pretty severe link crackdown due to scumbag, low-life spammers but I'm going to start relaxing that, a bit, for some members that have been contributing to the forums and other members.
1) For members with more than 15 posts; links to grow related informational articles will be allowed as long as the site isn't selling products.
(wikipedia, etc)
2) For members with more than 25 posts and at least one journal; links to sites that sell grow related things will allowed if they're actually linking specifications or informational articles for the purpose of debate or answering a question posed by other members.
(grow light specs, nutrient schedules, etc.)
3) For members with more than 50 posts and 2 journals (one must be completed); any grow related links will be allowed for the purpose of debate or informational purposes but Moderators and Administrators may remove links determined to be advertising disguised as something else or pages that contain questionable advertising.
(personal youtube channel to complement a member's journal here)
4) Moderators and Administrators have no restrictions and may reject/edit/delete posts as they see fit. Members may get warned or banned as appropriate if they try to sneak things in that they shouldn't. Don't try to play games to advertise.
All links must be grow related; this forum will not be turned into a free advertising spam-medium for anyone...
Not permitted:
Non-grow related sites.
Other forums.
Youtube channels that contain blatant advertising for the purpose of creating income.
A nutrient company might have an article about growing but they also sell their own line of nutrients. That wouldn't be permitted for members under 25 posts whether or not they have a journal.
Online hydro stores may be linked if they sell more than one brand of the product being discussed. For example: If the member who has 50+ posts & 2+ journals wants to link the online hydro store where they got a good deal on a chiller (and they sell more than one brand of chiller); that *would* be allowed. If they only sell one brand of nutrients then that would *not* be allowed in a nutrient related debate/discussion.
This is *NOT* intended to be a complete list of what is or isn't allowed. Use common sense and restraint. Abuse will not be tolerated and may lead to edited posts, warnings, temporary bans or permanent bans. If it becomes a moderation nightmare, the old restrictive policy will be reinstated. 15+, 25+, 50+ "good job" posts don't count.