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Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:18 am
by joshua311
I called the store and talked to customer service before I even purchased the item. I explained everything I planned to do down to the seed. I planned on buying the
Solar flare full cycle but the gentlemen told me my best bet was to buy the Veg Master so I did. I still don't get the buyers remorse but whatever. I have done some more research on the Auto Flower network. I am getting some info from that forum that the actual wattage isn't enough that the machine isn't pulling what it's suppose to be. I will be taking some picture of my grow now. I should have been taking pictures the whole time. Like I said I am new to the but I have written down everything I fed the plants when how much light etc... The only thing I am upset with is that the CFL lights in this case are out performing the Veg Master. Maybe the Veg Master I purchased there could be something wrong with it. If anyone knows how to test to make sure that would be great.

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:34 am
by Xylem
joshua311 wrote:I called the store and talked to customer service before I even purchased the item. I explained everything I planned to do down to the seed. I planned on buying the
Solar flare full cycle but the gentlemen told me my best bet was to buy the Veg Master so I did. I still don't get the buyers remorse but whatever. I have done some more research on the Auto Flower network. I am getting some info from that forum that the actual wattage isn't enough that the machine isn't pulling what it's suppose to be. I will be taking some picture of my grow now. I should have been taking pictures the whole time. Like I said I am new to the but I have written down everything I fed the plants when how much light etc... The only thing I am upset with is that the CFL lights in this case are out performing the Veg Master. Maybe the Veg Master I purchased there could be something wrong with it. If anyone knows how to test to make sure that would be great.

Of course I am interested in your results. I've never grown under lights so my whole universe of experience is the 2 auto grow I'm doing now and what I read on the internet. When this grow is done I will be left with an imperfect crop and can speculate where I can improve. But based on one grow I can't fully rate the light's strength. For instance, I have one plant that is very little. I consider if they're covered with resins like they could be. Are they maturing quickly or would they be ready faster under a 400W hid? I won't have those answers, because I think maybe I could have fed them more or differently. Maybe the ph in the soil could be better. Or maybe the root system under the little plant didn't develop well.

Two things you can do to educate us. 1)Report if anyone on AFN claims to have gotten good/horrible results using led or just google, autoflower led grow. 2) Do a side by side with the same genetics led/hid and see what happens.

By the time I can figure if I got my money's worth out of this thing the $ spent will be H2O under the bridge. For all our sakes I hope we get smoking results :o .

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:55 pm
by SisterMaryElephant
The SF220w has 44 5w diodes but the actual draw is supposed to be about 165w. If you think the light is *defective* then call CLW support but you should be able to *see* if any diodes are out and/or you could use a "kill-a-watt" to test actual draw. I don't have enough info to tell either way but a new grower with a couple of dead/unhealthy seedlings just isn't that unusual to me.

YMMV... ;)

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:16 pm
by joshua311
I hope it's just a bad unit. I like the quality of the light it's study well made and plus it's american made. I have the plants on a 20/4 cycle. I wish I would just have paid the extra for a solar storm. The website says that the 220 veg is suppose to replace a 400 watt MH or HPS. The state I am growing in frowns in cannabis so that's one of the reasons I switched to led. What's going on us that the plant does not seem to be getting the light it needs. The leaves are sagging in the dirt and causing the leaves to turn brown. I am watering very 4 days or when I ditch my finger in the soil it's dry to my first knuckle on my finger. I just don't know what's going on. I have lowered my lights I have raised them it's just not getting what it needs. I have trimmed leaves so more light can penetrate and it's just not doing it. I have germinated another seed and I am going to try fresh again. I plan on moving the bad plants outside and let Mother Nature do it's thing. I want this light to work so bad. I refuse to but foreign. Don't hate me because I said that but I believe in American made. I just don't know what to do now. I am not trying to stop people from buying these lights I am just not sure if the Veg Master can perform and it's just two plants. These plants are 1 auto kush and Red dwarf. If I have to order more seeds I will be a little unhappy. The AFN network deals mainly in autos and all the admins I have talked to said a lot of people are having this problem. I just don't why this light can't handle two plants

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:18 pm
by joshua311
Sorry for the horrible spelling

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:34 pm
by SisterMaryElephant
joshua311 wrote:The website says that the 220 veg is suppose to replace a 400 watt MH or HPS. The state I am growing in frowns in cannabis so that's one of the reasons I switched to led.

What's going on us that the plant does not seem to be getting the light it needs. The leaves are sagging in the dirt and causing the leaves to turn brown. I am watering very 4 days or when I ditch my finger in the soil it's dry to my first knuckle on my finger. I just don't know what's going on. I have lowered my lights I have raised them it's just not getting what it needs. I have trimmed leaves so more light can penetrate and it's just not doing it. I have germinated another seed and I am going to try fresh again. I plan on moving the bad plants outside and let Mother Nature do it's thing. I want this light to work so bad. I refuse to but foreign. Don't hate me because I said that but I believe in American made. I just don't know what to do now. I am not trying to stop people from buying these lights I am just not sure if the Veg Master can perform and it's just two plants. These plants are 1 auto kush and Red dwarf. If I have to order more seeds I will be a little unhappy. The AFN network deals mainly in autos and all the admins I have talked to said a lot of people are having this problem. I just don't why this light can't handle two plants

The website doesn't say it will replace a 400w HID for growing cannabis, it's intentionally vague for marketing reasons. Maybe for algae or wheatgrass but certainly not cannabis if you want top-shelf results at least. The fact is you still need a lot of watts per square foot (w/sqft) to grow top-shelf product. You *can* grow with less but results and yield will suffer. While many manufacturers claim a small LED will replace a larger HID, with equal results implied, our journals here don't back up that claim.

Seedlings like moist (not wet/dry) soil. Water them now and mist them as needed. Once established, then you can let the pots dry out more between waterings/feedings. If the humidity is too low add a clear plastic dome until they recover. You might consider starting seeds, in the future, in a seedling tray (with removable dome) and RapidRooters. Once the roots are filling that RR up then you transplant the whole thing in your soil.

We have journals here with people growing with the SF lights, we know they work. Call CLW support and post pictures; that's all I can suggest so far.

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:55 pm
by joshua311
You are correct it doesn't say it replaces that for cannabis but when I called before I purchased the light the sellsman did say that it was a good unit for cannsbis expecially for the autos I was wanting to grow. I will call them tomorrow. I will probably have to purchase a led that is made over seas. That's something I did not want to do. Their website says a 90 day money back guarantee. I have the original box and everything. Does anyone have any suggestions on a led for growing cannabis. If they will give me a good deal on the solar storm I will purchase that. I am just upset I guess that their sellsman sold me something that is obviously not meant for a good cannabis grow

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:00 pm
by SisterMaryElephant
I just can't blame the light yet based on what I see so far...which, I admit, isn't much. ;)

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:17 pm
by rkymtnman
yes. pictures for sure are needed. how about temp, RH% too?

Re: 220watt Solar Flare VegMaster

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:06 am
by Xylem
The paucity of information in this "journal" is frustrating.

I can't tell when you planted. You don't say if you feed them. (Sunshine #4 isn't fertilized.) You don't post pictures.

I'll let SME offer advice. But I will suggest this, again:
Handle the seed gingerly. Soak it in water until it sinks. Don't soak it for more than 18 hours. If it's still afloat bop it on the noggin to persuade it to sink. Prepare a cheap, black 3 gallon pot by filling it most the way up with your soil, or use something like Fox Farm Happy Frog which has nutrients in it and you won't have to fertilize for 3 some odd weeks. Pre water the soil and let it drain. Make a 1/4 inch depression in the soil and put the seed in it maybe getting root side kind of down. Lightly cover the seed with soil never packing it down. If you use the Happy Frog you won't have to feed and this way you won't have to transplant. Autos don't like to be messed with.

Put it under a little cfl or T5 to start or put it under the 220. CLW advice for the 440 is to start the light 30 inches high. The 220 I don't know. Have to ask. Should start ok like this anyway....

edit: forgot. If you choose to use Ocean Forest instead of Happy Frog the fertilizer may be a little hot for seedlings. I mixed the 2 and laced Happy Frog on top where the roots will first touch down.